Stellar is one among the Top ISO Auditing companies and is regarded as one of the best by all of our clients. All International Management Standards require to conduct a compliance audit using internal auditors trained in the ISO 19011 standard.
The definition of Audit as per ISO 19011 is;
“a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled”
We review the documents before internal audits and assist our clients in performing the audits by conducting Internal Auditors Training for designated employees.

ISO Internal Lead Auditor Certification
The International Management standards require regularly scheduled internal audits of the Management System. It further states, personnel conducting the required audits must be properly qualified to perform the audits.
This training session is conducted to demonstrate to the participants how audits are planned and performed. Attendees are taken through each clause of the standard, explaining what it is an auditor should look for and audit against. The certification process includes a case study as well as having the attendees perform a live audit of your organization. This not only exposes the participants to real world application but also fulfils the standards requirement for conducting an internal audit.
Audit Stages
- Opening Meeting – An introductory section, stating the audit scope, explaining the responsibilities, need and the audit plan.
- Performing the audit – The auditors can perform the above using various techniques such as interviews, conducting questioning sessions etc., The auditor has to verify all the documents that are prepared and also see that they are implemented properly.
- The auditors have to verify whether
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