ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health & Safety Management System
Stellar is one among the Top ISO 45001:2018 Certification Consultants in Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OH&SMS). The erstwhile OHSAS 18001 which was the benchmark for Health & Safety will expire shortly. After 12th March 2021 all OHSAS 18001:2007 certificates will expire. We at Stellar, are the leaders in Occupational Health and Safety consulting and is regarded as one of the best by all of our clients.
ISO 45001 is a global standard for Occupational Health and Safety that provides everyday solutions for worker safety. Health and safety in the workplace is a major concern for most businesses, yet several deaths and injuries occur.
This Standard lays the foundation for worker safety standards that can be used by all global supply chains, industries and cover contractors and subcontractors in every country that supply products into these supply chains.

ISO 45001 is set to drastically improve levels of workplace safety. In developing the ISO 45001 Standard, references have been drawn from the earlier benchmark (OHSAS 18001) and consideration has been given to the content of other international standards, the International Labour Organisation’s “ILO –OSH Guidelines” as well as to the ILO’s International Labour standards and conventions (ILSs).
It is designed to be integrated into an organization’s existing management processes and follows the same high-level structure as other ISO management system standards, such as ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO14001 (environmental management) etc.
Key Benefits of Occupational Health and Safety Management System(OH&S) ISO 45001
An ISO 45001 based OH&S management system will enable an organization to improve its OH&S performance by:
- developing and implementing an OH&S policy and OH&S objectives
- establishing systematic processes which consider its “ context ” and which take into account its risks and opportunities, and its legal requirements and other requirements
- determining the hazards and OH&S risks associated with its activities; seeking to eliminate them, or putting in controls to minimize their potential effects
- establishing operational controls to manage its OH&S risks and its legal requirements and other requirements
- increasing awareness of its OH&S risks
- evaluating its OH&S performance and seeking to improve it, through taking appropriate actions
- ensuring workers take an active role in OH&S matters
In combination these measures will ensure that an organization’s reputation as a safe place to work will be promoted, and can have more direct benefits, such as:
- improving its ability to respond to regulatory compliance issues
- reducing the overall costs of incidents
- reducing downtime and the costs of disruption to operations
- reducing the cost of insurance premiums
- improving morale, as well as reducing absenteeism and employee turnover rates
- recognition for having achieved an international benchmark (which may in turn influence other interested parties, such as customers who are concerned about their social responsibilities)
What are the major differences between OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001?
- ISO 45001 is process-based – OHSAS 18001 is procedure-based
- ISO 45001 is dynamic in all clauses – OHSAS 18001 is not
- ISO 45001 considers both risk and opportunities – OHSAS 18001 deals exclusively with risk
- ISO 45001 includes the views of interested parties – OHSAS 18001 does not
These points represent a significant shift in the way health and safety management is perceived. OH&S is no longer treated as a “stand alone”, but must be viewed within the perspective of running a sound and sustainable organization. That being said, although the two standards differ in their approach, a management system established in accordance with OHSAS 18001 will be a solid platform for migrating to ISO 45001.
Validity of Accredited Certifications to OHSAS 18001:2007
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