ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS)
Stellar is one among the Top ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Consultant in India and is regarded as one of the best by all of our clients. ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization. needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide Quality.
As geographic barriers between countries deteriorate, with the continued evolution of the internet, ISO 9001 may be one of the largest differentiators between you and your competitors. Already, ISO 9001 plays a key role in winning new customers, maintaining satisfied current customers, accessing foreign countries and dealing with the Government.

This challenge was ultimately addressed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), culminating in the release of the ISO 9000 quality standards in 1987. These standards were subsequently revised in 1994, 2000, 2008 .
ISO 9000 – Fundamentals and vocabulary, Describes the fundamentals of a QMS and specifies the terminology for QMS.
ISO 9001 – Quality Management Systems – Requirements, Specifies the requirements for a QMS where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide products that meet customer requirements and aims to enhance customer satisfaction.
ISO 9004 Quality Management Systems – Guidelines for performance improvements. This follows the format and structure of ISO 9001 Quality management Systems – Requirements.
ISO 19011 Guidelines for Management Systems Auditing, provides guidance on all Management Systems.
ISO covers all technical fields and is not limited to any particular discipline. It does not, however, cover electrical or electronic engineering which are the responsibility of the IEC. The responsibility for Information Technology is performed by a joint ISO / IEC technical committee. ISO series Quality Management System standards have been updated to reflect a more modern understanding of quality, including new focus on customer satisfaction. Other changes of ISO 9001 include :
- The process based approach, with less emphasis on procedures and more on the processes that are needed to produce to customer requirements. The plan, Do, Check, Act Structure of the standards.
- More clarity in many areas such as facilities, work environment and improvement. Resources section, especially people.
- Greater emphasis and involvement of top management.
Your business can be certified only against the Quality System Requirements – ISO 9001
ISO 9001 sets out the requirements for an organization whose business processes range all the way from design and development, to production, installation and servicing; To ensure that final products and services meet specified requirements.
Key Benefits of ISO 9001:2015 certification
The benefits of becoming certified are numerous: companies should ensure that they are pursuing certification for the right reasons:
- To improve business processes and save money. Most companies implementing ISO 9000 certification report increases in business process efficiencies, reductions in waste, and improved product quality.
- To qualify for new customers. Many corporations see ISO 9001 Certification as an essential requirement for conducting business with a new Supplier.
- To enter global markets. ISO 9001 standards are required in many countries.
What is required – a snapshot
- A Standard language for documenting quality practices.
- A System to track and manage evidence that these practices are instituted in your business.
- An independent audit to assess and certify compliance.
Time line of implementing ISO:9001
In order to get true value from this standard, it is imperative to link your business strategy, as well as the external and internal issues that creates the context of the organization (COTO).
Based on the COTO the risks are prioritized, and a plan containing measurable objectives is developed with a plan to mitigate those risks.
In future the ISO standards shall determine the competency of an organization in the global market. Getting this certification will become mandatory in the days to come.
How to pursue ISO certification?
The certification has to follow a few steps:
- Documents Review
- Pre-audit
- Internal Audit
- Verification and Corrective Actions (If needed)
- External Audit
- Verification and Corrective Actions (If Needed)
- Certification
Once your Quality Management System has been documented and implemented, you must invite an accredited external auditor to evaluate the effectiveness of your system. If the auditors determine that your Quality Management System meets all requirements as specified in the standard, they will certify your system. You can then announce to the world that the quality of Your Products / Services is managed, controlled, and assured by a registered Quality Management System.
Looking for Consultancy towards ISO 9001 Certification?
Preview ISO 9001:2015
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